TREASURE : Kick-off meeting in Livorno

On 3 and 4 April the partners of the TREASURE project met in person for the first time in Livorno to kick-start the exchange activities.


TREASURE is a project funded by the Euro-MED Programme and involves 9 partners representing 7 port areas in the Mediterranean Sea. Their objective is to improve environmental quality in Mediterranean ports mitigating sediment and water pollution, in particular addressing 3 challenges: build a cross-sector and multilevel governance, co-create and test an environmental monitoring framework in project port areas, source and test novel remediation technologies for port sediments and water.


The 2 exchange days saw the presentation of the work plan for the 3 main work packages, a study visit to the commercial port area of Livorno and its development project, and a session dedicated to communication and project management.


Resolvo supported the lead partner ASEV in designing and managing the project, as well as planning and moderating the Kick-off event.

Partners will meet again in Valencia next autumn.