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STEPHANIE in Durham: the Action Plan last step

Hosted by Durham County Council, the STEPHANIE partners met for the last event of the interregional exchange phase, held together with Durham’s Open Engagement Event, on the 13 – 14 November in Durham (UK). During the first day, regional stakeholders presented innovative companies specialised in optoelectronic and microelectronic components for space and aerospace industries and...

Waves of Responsibility in Dublin

Here at Resolvo we were happy and proud to be back at the Responsible Innovation Summit in Dublin with the MARIE Project, on the 30th October. We were part of it in 2018 and couldn’t miss out on the 2019 edition. MARIE was part of the Research in Action Forum, the Topic Tables and the...

3,2,1…go Next2met!

The Next2met project kicked off in Brussels on the 9th of September, hosted by CPRM. Regions close to metropolitan areas face a common challenge. They struggle in attracting and keeping both talents and businesses. The aim of Next2met is to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation applied to their smart specialisation strategies. The...

SME POWER Interreg Europe project starts in Florence

The kick-off meeting of the Interreg Europe SME POWER project was held in Florence on 10 and 11 September, organised by the Resources Recovery Regional Agency (ARRR) of Tuscany Region, project Lead Partner. Marco Meacci, President of ARRR Spa and Federica Fratoni, Tuscany Regional Minister for Environment and Soil Protection, opened the meeting. The working...

Resolvo is getting 4.0 Ready

Resolvo was busy last week at the Kick Off meeting of the 40Ready Interreg Europe project, held in Florence (17-18 September 2019). We are proud to have put together this amazing consortium of partners in a project that looks at how European SMEs can make sure that their staff are ready for the 4.0 industrial...

CLAY arrives in Finland, between tradition and design in the ceramics sector

New stage of CLAY artistic ceramics journey across Europe. On 11th and 12th September partners met in Seinäjoki (Finland), to learn about the experiences of Etelä-Pohjanmaan region in the ceramics sector, characterised by innovative design, traditional techniques and engagement in promoting vocational training and education in the sector. Resolvo was excited to be part of...

Sailing down a responsible sea with MARIE in Kiel

Resolvo was in Kiel this week, fabulous marine hub in the North of Germany, for the MARIE project meeting and the Waterkant festival, yearly start up event in Schleswig Holstein. Responsible innovation in funding for SMEs, in funding for Artificial Intelligence, in innovation fora. Ethical and environmental considerations in clean energy, in battery production (one...

CYBERSECURITY and good practices: how to support EU companies?

The CYBER partners met in Namur (BE) to share their Good Practices on cybersecurity. Is their experience innovative? Are proven results available? Is the experience easy to transfer? Resolvo supported partners in finding answers to the above questions. The aim was to identify the best policies that can inspire the development of effective support systems...

Ready, steady, go! Final dash for the TANIA project

In the elegant Nancy (FR), on 28-29 May representatives from the 5 participating regions of the TANIA project met to continue the course towards supporting innovative technologies for environmental remediation. During the first morning session, regional stakeholders presented innovative remediation solutions currently being experimented, directed to reclaim contaminated soils and waters. In addition to the...

VIOLET discovering Middelburg

VIOLET partners met in Middelburg, an inspiring Dutch city with several examples of energy efficient and, at the same time, heritage friendly renovations. The role of the Local Council and the engagement of some citizens in preserving the heritage while making it usable with all modern comforts provided interesting examples for all partners. At project...
