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Leicester City Council (UK) will host an engaging workshop with UK and EU professionals active in the energy sector to analyse the economic drivers for the delivery of smart grids. The event is organised as part of activities funded by INTERREG EUROPE to tackle one of the most complex aspects of our national and regional...


The NMP-REG project held its Second Interregional Learning Event in Bucharest on 7-8 September. Partners and stakeholders from five European regions shared knowledge on their analysis of the RIM+ categories of innovation support policy, in the context on nanotechnology and new materials. In order to understand the regional context in this field, partners visited the...


Interreg Europe Programme published a statement on the UK referendum: “To the followers and promoters of interregional cooperation, we are saddened to see that the majority of the UK has voted to leave the European Union. UK partners are numerous and appreciated in interregional cooperation projects: UK contributed the third highest number of partners in...


Thanks to the TRINNO project, Resolvo took part in a study visit in Barcelona to one of the most advanced systems in the EU for supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups. The visit was hosted by TRINNO Advisory Partrner, University of Barcelona – Barcelona Institut d’Emprenedoria. The City of Barcelona’s Strategic Framework for 2012-2015 was designed to...


The TRINNO project kicked off on 30-31 May 2016, with a visit to the Barcelona Business Support Ecosystem. 7 partners from 5 countries, hosted by University of Barcelona, participated in two days of visits and presentations to Barcelona Scientific Park, Barcelonactiva and the new MediaTic start-up house. Partners met with entrepreneurs, representatives from regional and...


The REBUS project held its first meeting in Florence (IT), in the Florentine Energy Agency premises. 8 partner from 8 different countries gathered together to share the same need for improvements in policy to promote energy efficiency in public buildings, thanks to INTERREG EUROPE programme. The overall objective of the REBUS project is to improve...


211 project proposals were submitted by the official deadline for the second Interreg Europe call (12 noon, 13th May 2016). The total ERDF budget requested by the project proposals amounts to €290,648,159. The programme has around 200M€ available for this and a potential third call for proposals. Proposals were submitted to all four priority objectives:...


The NMP-REG project held its first meeting in Empoli (IT), in the ASEV premises. 7 partner from 5 different countries gathered together to improve regional policies for delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing, thanks to the INTERREG EUROPE programme. During the meeting a local stakeholder workshop, with representatives from the Tuscan NMP innovation chain, was...


The SET-UP project is holding its first meeting in Rennes (FR). 8 partners from 6 different countries gathered together to share their views about smart grids in Europe. The final objective of this project funded by INTERREG EUROPE is to improve ERDF policy instruments on energy. The focus of today discussion is on consumer engagement,...


The SET-UP project was invited to participate in the Interregional Cooperation Forum “Europe let’s cooperate” organised in Rotterdam by INTERREG EUROPE. Federico Sgarbi from Bretagne Développement Innovation shared his views on the project and on the Programme with other speakers, including the Programme Director of INTERREG EUROPE, Erwin Siweris.
