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The MARIE project held its second interregional learning event (30/31 May 2017) in Athens (EL). Partners were hosted in the newly opened building of project partner Athens University of Economics and Business. The meeting focused on the methodologies designed to take forward a number of key activities: identification of good practices, a survey among enterprises...


The TANIA project held its second interregional learning event (22/23 may 2017) in Pécs (HU), in the headquarters of Baranya County Government. TANIA partners and stakeholders, including a representative from the NANOREM project, shared details about their regional territorial and political context in relation to needs and challenges in the field of nanoremediation. Partners participated...


VIOLET partners met for the first time in Tulcea (RO), on the Danube Delta. The meeting gave them the chance to start interregional learning activities. The activities focused on the definition of traditional buildings in the different regional contexts. The project will offer the framework to target common issues but also to focus on diversities,...


Almost 12 months after the start of the project, TRINNO partners are gathered together in Tuscany in these days to assess the worked carried out so far after 1 year of project activities. First year was devoted to the business support ecosystem analysis, having as main output a specific report. From this starting point, year...


Partners from 6 EU member States gathered in Germany for the kick-off meeting of the ELISE project. The event was co-hosted by the 2 German partners: Life Science Nord and BioCon Valley. ELISE’s overall objective is to promote innovation driven regional competitiveness and wellbeing. This INTERREG EUROPE project focuses on LIfe Science Ecosystems and intends...


Almost 12 months after the start of the project, REBUS partners are gathered together in Malmo (Sweden) in these days to assess the worked carried out so far after 1 year of project activities. Through a “written exam” in the form of a self-evaluation assessment, they draw conclusions for the first year of activities. They...


The third and final call of the Interreg Europe programme was published today, with a deadline of 30 June 2017. The application pack and all the necessary information are available on the Interreg Europe website. Visit our blog to learn more about the projects that Resolvo supported in the first and second calls.


The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu participated in the Toscana Tech event to talk about the use of the Regional Development Fund in Tuscany. During the event, speakers tackled the topic of the synergy between the territorial cooperation programme INTERREG Europe and the technological priorities identified in the Tuscan Smart Specialisation strategy. Jason...


    An interactive, fruitful and cooperative way of learning more about Smart Grids in Europe. During the 3rd project meeting (Seville), the SET-UP partners participated in a Good Practice Stock exchange.         The first part of the session was dedicated to a structured exercise that helped them to identify their top three...


3 kick-off in one week….thus time we are in Cesena, hosted by the incubator CesenaLab for the first interregional learning event (9-10 February 2017) of the MARIE project, financed by INTERREG EUROPE. The partners, from 8 European regions and coordinated by CISE, are gathered together to learn more about the concept of Responsible Research and...
