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The Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee has conditionally approved 54 projects from the 234 applications received for the third call for proposals. Resolvo supported the Lead Partners in preparing 3 of these projects: CYBER, CLAY and FEMINA. The list of projects can be found here and more information will follow soon!


A European event on Energy Transition will take place in Florence on the 27th of June 2018. Using a mix of interactive panels, keynote speeches and a business case competition, the event will bring together Interreg Europe projects with an interest in improved policy for the multifaceted topic of energy transition in Europe. The organisers...


On the 31 January and 01 February REBUS project partners gathered in Cracow (Poland) to outline activities foreseen throughout the whole year. 2018 is going to be a busy year for the project in terms of results to be achieved: Good Practices identified and selected by project partners will be available soon on the Interreg...


Resolvo was in Belgium for two important events in the NMP-REG project calendar. The project held its forth Interregional Learning Event in Leuven on 25-26 January 2018. The day before saw the organisation of the project Mid-Term Event. The event was hosted by VLAIO, Flanders Innovation Agency and partner of the NMP-REG project. Partners and...


The third Interregional Learning Event of the STEPHANIE project took place in Liège (Belgium) on the 17th and 18th of January. The event was the occasion for partners to share their Regional Visions and the “main ideas” identified in order to address territorial needs for quadruple helix and funding schemes. Discussion started on how ideas...


From the 28-29 November, members of the TANIA project are in Metz (FR) for the third interregional learning event. We are hosted by the Region GrandEst and the University of Lorraine (both partners of TANIA). The morning of the 28th was dedicated to a workshop with local, national and international stakeholders on the technical and...


The partners of the ELISE project (INTERREG EUROPE) met in France for their 3rd Interregional Forum. The meeting gave them the opportunity to learn more about the Life Science Ecosystem that exists in Centre – Val de Loire Region. Partners worked on the common constraints identified at regional level regarding market, human resources, technical resources...
