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INTERNISA partners meet in Athens

The 5th INTERNISA Project Meeting took place in Athens on 3rd and 4th of November, hosted by the Greek partner Action Aid Hellas.   The event is organised within the framework of INTERNISA, an EU-funded project that aims to develop a network to improve and contribute to the enhancement of the digital skills of young...

REBUS, one last time!

The REBUS partners met again in Durham (UK) to finalise the activities funded in the framework of the 5th Interreg Europe call. During the meeting, partners agreed that the world had changed dramatically since the last time they were all together in person…not only COVID-19 with its impact on public building use but also the energy price crisis...

Next2Met – from digital to in-person cooperation (finally!)

Next2Met partners managed to organise their first policy learning event in Lahti (FI), just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. For two years they continued exchange activities from remote, with the aim of identifying successful practices to be transferred to their regions. Resolvo supported them in the entire process, not only as far as...

Discovering Space with STEPHANIE

The 19th and 20th July STEPHANIE project partners and their stakeholders gathered in Düsseldorf (DE), for Interregional Learning Event of the additional activities. On first day, all project regions presented to the other regions in the partnership their final proposal for policy change, together with the involved stakeholders. We had the opportunity to visit DLR...
