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SKYLA: in Ireland for the second Project Event

On 7 and 8 November, the SKYLA partners met in Swords(Ireland) for the second project meeting, hosted by the Fingal County Council. In the morning of the day 1, partners exchanged interactively throughout a series of presentations and workshops, comparing the policy needs analyses carried out prior to the meeting. The partner regions discussed the...

Digging the effects of industrial transition in Katowice

On November 21 and 22, Resolvo participated in and moderated the event organised in Katowice, Poland, as part of the LOTTI project (Interreg Europe). The project’s second interregional meeting focused on the sharing of Good Practices by the various project partners, with a special focus on Cantabria’s experience within the “Besaya Europa” initiative promoted by...

GINEVRA partners in Ptuj for the 2nd project meeting

On the 7th and 8th of November, GINEVRA Project partners met for the 2nd Partner Meeting in Ptuj, Slovenia, hosted by the local partner ZRS Bistra Ptuj. The meeting began with a session dedicated to sharing the progress achieved in the first project period. The territorial partners involved, discussed the characteristics and peculiarities of their...

CDR EUROPE – partners meet in Finland for the 2nd interregional project meeting

On 24 and 25 October 2023, Resolvo attended and moderated the 2nd interregional CDR EUROPE meeting in Seinäjoki (Finland), hosted by the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia. International experts, including Rob Price from International CDR Manifesto and Christian Thiel from Bayern Innovativ, participated, as well as experts and stakeholders from the local Seinäjoki area (from...

Beyond the Arctic Circle: MAE partners meet in Bodø and Andøy, the “European aerospace island”

From 3rd to 5th October 2023, the 2nd interregional meeting of Interreg Europe project MAE took part in Bodø and Andøy (Norway), hosted by the partner Nordland County Council. Project partners had the opportunity to learn more about the national and regional strategy for boosting the aerospace sector with environmental and social sustainability concerns in...

MAE takes off in Delft

On 24th and 25th May 2023, the MAE consortium met in person for the very first time in Delft (NL), hosted by the partner Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) at the Aerospace Innovation Hub…the perfect place for our project to take-off! This meeting was the occasion for partners to start getting to know each...

SKYLA : Kick-off meeting Brussels

On 16 and 17 May, the partners from SKYLA met in Brussels to launch the project with the first meeting in person. SKYLA is funded by the Interreg Europe Programme, and it is implemented by 11 partner from 8 European regions, with the goal to put future skills at the centre of the twin transition...
