Resolvo and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Resolvo invests in CSR through:
- Contracts: long-term contacts for our staff
- Training and internal capacity building: investment in staff training in various different fields
- Work-life balance: attention to personal and family needs of our staff
- Territorial cooperation: Resolvo works with and for its local territory and for Europe. We take forward ideas that emerge from our surrounding environment and help to make real socio-environmental impact
- Continuity: Resolvo invests in long-term collaborations with our clients, striving for high-quality results and trusting relationships
- Charity work: since 2010, Resolvo has been the headquarters for Correnti voluntary organisation. 2 of Resolvo’s employees are founding members and volunteers and Resolvo guarantees an annual donation.

Resolvo and Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR)
CDR is defined as:
“a set of practices and behaviours that help an organisation use data and digital technologies in ways that are perceived as socially, economically, and environmentally responsible.”
Resolvo is committed to supporting micro and small enterprises to put into place CDR practices, within their digitalisation processes.
Resolvo supports the spread of CDR at international level, through participation in the International CDR Manifesto

Resolvo and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
Resolvo supports the integration of RRI into public policy and operational environments.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) implies that societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organisations, etc.) work together during the whole research and innovation process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society.
Resolvo has written and managed many projects related to RRI and has:
- over ten years of experience on the theme
- continuously updated theoretical knowledge on the topic
- understanding and experience in various practical tools for implementing RRI.
Our projects
- Interreg Europe: CDR EUROPE – Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe
- Interreg Europe CYBER – Regional policies for competitive cybersecurity SMEs
- H2020: SURPRISE, NEOROCKS e MESEO – Resolvo is in charge of RRI application within the consortium
- Interreg Europe: MARIE – MAinstreaming Responsible Innovation in European S3 and FEMINA – Female participation in high-tech enterprises
- Interreg Central: ROSIE – Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe
- Interreg Danube: D-STIR – Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration
- Interreg IVC: COGITA – Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility through Public Policy
- South East Europe: FARINN – Facilitating RRI in South East Europe
Have a look at our European projects page to find out more about our many projects on RRI, environmental sustainability and responsible business.