Starting with Horizon 2020 and continuing within the framework of Horizon Europe, Resolvo has been a partner in research projects on highly innovative topics, collaborating with leading institutions in their respective fields.
In addition to the management and financial expertise that define the company’s experience, Resolvo coordinates and contributes to various activities, including:
• Project communication and dissemination of project results
• Science communication
• Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
• Exploitation and capitalisation of results
• Drafting of deliverables
• Risk monitoring and management
• Quality control
Resolvo provides a dedicated service to partners and coordinators of research projects funded by major European Union Programmes. With extensive experience working with Italian and European clients in the 6th and 7th Framework Programs and Horizon 2020, Resolvo offers assistance for Horizon Europe, LIFE, the European Defence Fund (EDF), and the European Space Agency (EUSPA) Programmes.
Our services include: