On the 27th and 28th of September REBUS partners gathered together in Miskolc (Hungary) to discuss about existing policy instruments in their region and the possibilities of improving them through the exchange of interregional experiences and good practices.
The focus of the meeting was on the definition of an Energy Renovation Path – ERP. The ERP will be built on the basis of the analysis of experiences and good practices identified by each partner, with the aim of supporting Managing Authorities in European regions to create a structured path towards efficient renovation of public buildings. The path goes from the planning to the implementation phase, including monitoring of undertaken works.
The participative sessions held during the event gave the opportunity to identify all together all the actions that should be part of the ERP and that will be better defined in the upcoming months through continuous exchange activities among partners and stakeholders.
A study visit to Mád and Tokaj World Heritage Site was also organised, with the aim of introducing local good examples on energy efficient public building renovations funded by Structural Funds.