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Resolvo: 6 INTERREG EUROPE projects ready to go

Ready, steady, go! Today marks the beginning of 6 new INTERREG EUROPE projects developed by Resolvo and funded in the framework of the 1st call of the 2021-2027 programming period. Resolvo supported 4 Italian, 1 Finnish and 1 Romanian Lead partner in project preparation and negotiation. Here’s a sneak peek at the 6 projects: –...

Tuscany RP ERDF 2021-2017: calendar of calls for tenders

The Managing Authority of the Tuscany Region’s ERDF PR 2021-2027 has approved the calendar of calls for proposals for the year 2023. In particular, the following forthcoming calls are foreseen:   Interventions Beneficiaries Plafond Opening date Closure date Innovation services Micro and SMEs 30M€ Apr/ Jun-23 to exhaustion of resources R&D for companies and research...

We are hiring!

We are hiring a Project Officer for regional and European projects. Expected begin of the activities is February 2023. For more information on the vacancy and the application procedure, please visit our website:

INTERREG EUROPE first call: all Resolvo projects approved!

INTERREG EUROPE has approved (under conditions) 72 projects out of 134 applications submitted in the framework of its first call for proposals.   All the project proposals supported by Resolvo have been selected for approval! Resolvo will be involved in the management and coordination of their interregional activities. These projects cover several programme priorities, such...

EC adopts Horizon Europe work programme 2023-2024

On 6 December 2022, the European commission officially adopted the Horizon Europe work programme 2023-24, with a budget of around €13.5 billion (Horizon Europe total budget = €95.5 billion). The first calls for proposals under the new work programme open today (7 December 2022) on the EU funding & tenders portal. The Commission is holding...

Resolvo at the NWE Project Ideas Forum in Düsseldorf

The Interreg North West Europe programme has launched its second call – deadline 9 February 2023. Resolvo participated in the event organised in Düsseldorf on 29 November to meet a network of European partners interested in cooperation between the 7 States participating in the programme (The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany, France, and Switzerland). Over...

Resolvo with the International CDR Manifesto @ ABIS Colloquium

Excited to have been part of the ABIS Annual Colloquium 2022 yesterday, with a presentation entitled “Corporate Digital Responsibility: from the International Manifesto to the micro-enterprise”. We were in good company, presenting together with one of the founding parents of the International CDR Manifesto, Rob Price. Rob talked our audience through the process of developing...
