Latest News

SKYLA : Kick-off meeting Brussels

On 16 and 17 May, the partners from SKYLA met in Brussels to launch the project with the first meeting in person. SKYLA is funded by the Interreg Europe Programme, and it is implemented by 11 partner from 8 European regions, with the goal to put future skills at the centre of the twin transition...

40Ready : in Florence the project goes out with a bang

On 9 May, partners and stakeholders from all over Europe met in Florence for the final event of the 40Ready project. After 3 years of exchange of experience and 1 year of implementation, aimed to improve regional policies supporting SMEs to engage in industry 4.0 in Tuscany, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Wallonia, Silesia, Navarra, Bucharest-Ilfov and Lithuania, partners...

JETforCE – a project kick off in Miskolc

On 3 and 4 May, the partners from JETforCE met in Miskolc (Hungary) to launch the project with the first meeting in person. JETforCE is funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme, and it is implemented by 12 partners from regions of Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Italy. There are...

CDR EUROPE – Kick Off Meeting

On the 3rd and 4th of May 2023, Resolvo co-organised and co-moderated the CDR EUROPE Kick Off meeting in Arezzo. Resolvo supports the Lead Partner, Arezzo Innovazione, in project management and methodological development. A full agenda of knowledge and exchange of the complex and existing topic of Corporate Digital Responsibility. The European Commission (Agency for...

Last meeting for SME POWER: a conference in Florence to look to the future

The SME POWER project partners met in Florence (IT) on the 19th and 20th of April, for the final hybrid event “INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION FOR ENERGY TRANSITION IN SMEs”. Looking back, the partners valued a cooperation that started in 2019 which clearly contributed to increasing their personal, professional and organizational skills. The partners presented the results...

Resolvo certified ISO 9001:2015

We proudly announce that Resolvo Srl is now a company certified according to ISO 9001:2015, the most famous and widespread standard for quality management. We chose ISO 9001 certification in order to equip the company with a working tool aimed at continuous and constant improvement, and to offer our partners and customers a further guarantee...

Cooperation is CENTRAL: Resolvo in Vienna for Interreg Central Europe

Cooperation is Central, indeed! Vienna hosted the launch event of the 2nd Interreg Central Europe call and round-tables to present first call projects, discover potential synergies among them and boost new cooperation opportunities. Resolvo attended the event to represent two first call projects: GINEVRA, together with the Lead Partner CISE, and JETforCE.   Resolvo participated...

Resolvo in Stockholm for Interreg Europe!

Stockholm hosted the launch event of the 2nd Interreg Europe call, with over 500 people attending.   The 2 projects invited to share their experience on stage, during the plenary session, are both supported by Resolvo…a great satisfaction for us, for MAE and for LOTTI!   Resolvo participated also in the lead partner seminar for...
