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Building connections for cybersecurity ecosystems in Europe: cooperation opportunities and new perspectives

RESOLVO supported Tuscany Region in the organisation of the first Tuscan event on Cybersecurity and European cybersecurity ecosystems, following up on the experiences of the Interreg Europe project CYBER. The event took place on the 5th of October 2023 in Migliarino Regional Park in San Rossore, as part of Internet Festival 2023 and in cooperation...

JETforCE – second project meeting in Bologna

On 13th and 14th September 2023, the JETforCE consortium met in person for the second project meeting in Bologna (IT), hosted by the partner Metropolitan City of Bologna. This meeting was the occasion for partners to start discovering the Energy Challenges Mapping tool, developed by IAAI, that will be the core of the pilot activities:...


The final event of the SOLE (High Energy efficiency for the pubLIc stOck buildingS in Mediterranean) project, coordinated by Anci Toscana, was held in Florence on September 14 at the Innovation Center of Fondazione CR. Project partners discussed on energy efficiency of public buildings with administrators, experts and technicians, and presented the results obtained in...

Digital Enterprise Call for Proposals: submission starts 02/10/2023

The Region of Tuscany has published an updated version of the Impresa Digitale (Digital Enterprise) Call for Proposals to support investments in innovation, with a focus on digitization processes in MPMIs, through the acquisition of consulting services identified in the new “Catalogue of Advanced and Qualified Services for Tuscan Enterprises.” The total budget is €...

MAE takes off in Delft

On 24th and 25th May 2023, the MAE consortium met in person for the very first time in Delft (NL), hosted by the partner Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) at the Aerospace Innovation Hub…the perfect place for our project to take-off! This meeting was the occasion for partners to start getting to know each...


CyberChallenge.IT, a training programme for young talents aged 16 to 24, is Italy’s leading initiative to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. Resolvo sponsored the local edition organised by the Tuscan cybersecurity competence centre, whose awards ceremony was held in Florence on 5 June 2023. At this link the other...

REC4EU – let’s start !

On 10 and 11 May 2023 in Florence, Resolvo co-moderated the Kick Off Event of the REC4EU project bringing together 8 partners from 7 European countries (Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Spain, France) and led by the lead partner Agency for Waste & Resource Management. The event was full of knowledge sharing on the topic...

Tuscany RP ERDF 2021-2017: Updated calendar of calls for tenders

The Managing Authority of the Tuscany Region’s ERDF PR 2021-2027 has updated the calendar of call for proposals for the year 2023. Below the overview of the forthcoming calls, in red the differences from the provisions communicated earlier on this year:   Interventions Beneficiaries Plafond Opening date Closure date Innovation services Micro and SMEs 30M€...
