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TUTTOCOMPUTER – CRM implementation The project involved the implementation of a software Customer Relationship Management – CRM. Its primary objective is to create a database for the management of service calls and / or intervention for repair, installation hardware and software. The project involved the integration of the new system and the one previously used....


Innovative Systems for Naval Applications Since 2011 Resolvo has been supporting Team Italia srl in managing projects related to innovation in the Naval sector. Team Italia, and its highly qualified supplier Genesy srl, responded to a market demand for an on-board tool with switch functions. The numerous apparatus on naval vessels (PC, radar, chart plotter,...


The INNOLABS project develops innovative local governance  models that help put in place policies for cohesion, cooperation and competitiveness of socio-economic systems. Project activities cover the whole France-Italy cross-border space through the participation of the Corsican Territorial Collective, the Regional Government of Tuscany, the Regional Government of Liguria, the Province of Sassari and the University of Pisa....


Resolvo supports Synthesis srl Progettazione Industriale since 2010. In that year the project HSR started, cofunded by Region of Tuscany (Aiuti allo Sviluppo Sperimentale) 2010, The project developed a new improved mechanical simulator, capable of simulating the behavior of hip usury, which produces results comparable to wear with those found clinically. In particular the kinematics...


Resolvo helped organise the Conference ERIK ACTION and INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION – Upgrading the Innovation Capacity of Enterprises through Interregional Transfer held in Florence on 11 May 2010. The one day conference was a multi-media ride through the ERIK ACTION transfer experience, looking at the methodology used and the lessons learned. It offered the chance to...


TRACE-THEM – Transparent localisation and identification through heterogeneous metasensor correlation TRACE-THEM is a project cofinanced by the 6th call of the EraSME Programme, the Regional Government of Tuscany (Italy) and Wallonia (Belgium). The project partnership consists of Genesy srl, Thales Italy SpA, Teledata srl, supported by the University of Pisa, Faculty of Engineering. The project started...


WInspect – Textile web inspection framework WInspect – Textile Web Inspection Framework, is a project co-financed by the CrossTexNet Project, the Regional Government of Tuscany (Italy), Tubitak – the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and Centrul National de Management Program (Romania). Automatic inspection in the textile sector is difficult and costly due to...


ZigBeeOnTrack – ZigBee wireless technology applications for the railway sector ZigBeeOnTrack is a European Cooperation Project undertaken by Irmie Impianti together with Elcond Enginiring (Slovenia) and TECKNA (Tuscany). Partners collaborate in order to develop an integrated system for introducing the ZigBee technology into railway sector applications. ZigBeeOnTrack started the first of November 2009 and its activities...


TIPS&Info4BRT – Traffic light Priority System and Information work-flow for Bus Rapid Transit Corridors TiPS&Info4BRT has developed two specific software modules, through the optimisation of algorithms, in order to: – Obtain an efficient traffic light priority of controlled crosses in different traffic situations and with different bus lines; – Produce reliable information on the condition...
