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COGITA Joint Project event in Brussels

Resolvo helped organise the COGITA Project Joint Event, held in Brussels on 6 March 2013. The event welcomed the European Commission – DG ENT, the Committee of the Regions and 4 projects working on issues related to responsible and sustainable development: DESUR – Developing Sustainable Regions through Responsible SMEs; FaRInn – Facilitating Responsible Innovation in SEE...


The Project SISSI – Intermodal integrated system for safety and rail signaling , co-funded by the Region of Tuscany PAR FAS 2007-2013 with the call ” Public notice for expression of interest for the project support strategic industrial research and experimental development of Tuscan businesses in ICT and advanced mechanics “. The project lasted 36...


iSLe – intelligent Semantic Liquid edubook Resolvo is in charge of financial management activities of SEMPLICE, an R&D project, co-financed by Tuscany Region under the programme POR CReO FESR 2007/2013 – Bando Unico R&S 2012. The project aims to rethink the processes of creation, use and distribution of educational contents for mobile platform, web and...


Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche srl Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche srl has over 30 years experience in the field of oil analysis, mostly dedicated to predictive maintenance and quality control. Activities focus on mechanical damage prevention and hydraulic system control, by integrating diagnostic systems, oil analysis and termography. Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche srl cooperates with entities such as energy...


MIDA – Machine intelligence for diagnosis automation Resolvo is partner of MIDA, an R&D project, funded under the MANUNET Programme and co-financed by Tuscany Region under the ERDF 2007/2013 Programme – Bando Manunet 2012 and UEFISCDI Romania, TUBITAK Turkey. The MIDA project promotes preventative maintenance in manufacturing plants through the development of a fully automated...


SOLE-CUT – Shape memory alloys for stone machining and computer aided technology Resolvo is in charge of financial management activities of SOLE – CUT, an R&D project, funded under the MANUNET Programme and co-financed by Tuscany Region under the ERDF 2007/2013 Programme – Bando Manunet 2012, Finpiemonte and TUBITAK Turchia. The SOLE-CUT project provides advanced...

Online survey for on going evaluation

Resolvo managed a complex survey as part of the evaluation of the Italy-France “Marittimo” Crossborder Programme. 3 different questionnaires were distributed to over 200 beneficiaries of the programme. Using Limesurvey© on its web servers, Resolvo set up the interactive questionnaires in Italian and French. Beneficiaries could access the questionnaire on line and the survey managers could download...

Periurban Parks Interactive Guide

Resolvo designed and developed the PERIURBAN Interactive Guide, a tool to help stakeholders to reflect on possibilities for creating and managing periurban parks. The PERIURBAN Guide allows users to classify their area of interest, in order to gain targeted advice, suggestions examples and information. The Guide was developed on the basis of the results of the...

Responsible Med Final Conference

Resolvo helped organise the Final Conference of the Responsible Med project: entitled Promoting CSR and Competitiveness in the Mediterranean and beyond, held in Lucca on 8 November 2012. Over 100 participants took part in the conference, which was not only a learning experience, but also a moment to take stock of progress made in the...
