Do you want to know more about energy efficiency in publicly owned or managed buildings? Click here to download the newsletter of the SERPENTE project.
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Do you want to know more about energy efficiency in publicly owned or managed buildings? Click here to download the newsletter of the SERPENTE project.
Through Cohesion Policy funding, the EU invests approximately €50 billion each year in economic development at the national and regional level (around 34% of the total EU budget). In order to increase transparency and to promote debate on the performance of EU funding, this open data platform provides information about the results achieved in each...
The evaluation of proposals submitted before the first cut-off date for Phase 1 (18 June) is over. 155 projects from 21 countries have been pre-selected for funding. Spain had the most projects selected (39) followed by the United Kingdom (26) and Italy (20). The pre-selected SMEs will be informed by email in August 2014. More...
During the roadshow held in Cambridge, a panel of experts presented the call launched by the Regional Growth Fund (deadline 30th of September) and the funding competition organised by the Advanced manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) to improve competitiveness of advanced manufacturing supply chains in the UK.
The European Commission’s 6th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion published on 23rd July shows that EU Cohesion Policy is delivering on the growth goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy by creating jobs and reducing disparities across Europe. Looking ahead to 2014-2020, the report outlines how investments will be focused on key areas like...
The ERIK ACTION Film illustrates the Mainstreaming Process undertaken in the framework of an INTERREG IVC Capitalisation project. It is a useful tool to understand the path which goes from the identification of good practices to their transfer into mainstream regional programmes. The ERIK ACTION Film is available on you tube: click here to watch...
The European Commission has published a new report on the LIFE Platform Meeting which was held in Norwich, UK, on 14-15 May 2014. The report, “Climate change – ecosystem services approach for adaptation and mitigation”, puts together current and past experiences of LIFE projects focalised on developing responses to the predicted impacts of climate change across EU...
The European Commission has published its Energy Efficiency Communication, which proposes a higher and achievable energy savings target for 2030. The expected benefits of the energy efficiency target for 2030 include new opportunities for European businesses, affordable energy bills for consumers, increased energy security through a significant reduction of natural gas imports and a positive...
Johannes Hahn, EU Regional Policy Commissioner is asking EU citizens to share their views on an EU Urban Agenda through a public consultation alongside a formal Communication just published by the European Commission. The Commission’s Communication “The Urban Dimension of EU Policies” describes the situation of cities across the EU and urban policies in the Member States...
At the beginning of July 2014 the European Commission has adopted a Communication Green Action Plan (GAP) for SMEs: Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities. The Action Plan presents a series of SME-oriented actions proposed at European level to help exploit the business opportunities that the transition to a green economy offers,...