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Tuscany region has just published a resolution containing the call for proposals for research, development and innovation investments of regional enterprises As previously posted in our blog, 3 main interventions are foreseen depending on enterprises’ dimension (micro, SMEs and Large enterprises), industrial sectors and costs of projects. 2 submission phases are foreseen: the deadline for...


Since 2002 the European Mobility Week is the occasion to organise events in order to propose new strategies for european transportation sector which might increase citizens health and their life quality. The campaign represent the perfect opportunity for presenting to citizens which are the sustainable alternatives for mobility and for explaining the challenges faced by cities...


SIS-RRI  is an International event aimed at setting an agenda to promote a true cross- fertilization between science and society. This can be achieved through a fruitful and rich dialogue and close cooperation between science and society stakeholders. In this context, ‘Science with and for Society’ is intended to further develop, disseminate and support good Responsible...


The second newsletter of the FaRInn project is available on-line. The Newsletter presents the work carried out by project partners so far and provides details on the Final Confrerence, which will take place on 10th September in Lesbos island in Greece. In the newsletter you can also read about cooperation between FaRInn and other projects...

Europe in my Region photo competition 2014

How are EU investments being used in various regions across Europe? Thanks to the photo contest Europe in My Region you just need to take a picture to celebrate the projects that are making a difference to your local community. To enter the competition, all you need to do is take a photo of a...


The Regional Government of Tuscany after having analysed with stakeholders the preliminary version for a Smart Specialisation Stragies for Reseach and Innovation in Tuscany is now ready to launch a survey online. Anybody interested in sending a contribution can send an email, until September 30th, to the following address More information at this link.


The call for European Cooperation Projects within the Creative Europe Culture sub-programme has just been published. The priorities of the Culture Sub-programme are to reinforce the cultural and creative sectors’ capacity to operate transnationally and internationally and to promote transnational circulation and mobility. The call is open to cultural and creative operators, which are active...


Tuscany region has just published a resolution containing information on main elements of a future call for proposals for research, development and innovation investments of regional enterprises. The call focuses on the following priorities: 1. New technologies in the Energy sector: renewable resources and energy effiency. 2. Integrated platform for optoelectronics, photonics, ICT, robotics and...


ROBOBUILD – Articulated robot with independent 3D-motion for precise positioning operations, co-financed by the MANUNET Project, the Regional Government of Tuscany (Italy) and the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education R&D and Innovation (Romania), is officially finished. The activities undertaken by Synthesis srl Progettazione Meccanica, in collaboration with the Technical University of Iasi, ASAM S.A....
