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Measuring Innovation: Working Seminar held in Brussels

Resolvo participated in the Working Seminar held in Brussels on the 9th of October 2014. The Working Seminar IN-EUR – measuring INnovation in EURopean Subregions was an opportunity to discuss the question of how to improve innovation policy, thanks to innovative methodologies for measurement and evaluation. Organised by the Provincial Government of Lucca, with support...

Resolvo at the ICT Proposers’ Day

Resolvo’s team is present at the ICT Proposers’ day which take take place in Florence today and tomorrow. Whether you are taking part at the event or not, do no hesitate to contact us for information and to propose your ideas. It will be a pleasure to help you! More information here.

“Europe, let’s cooperate!” INTERREG EUROPE launch event

INTERREG IVC has officially opened the registration to an interregional cooperation Forum ‘Europe, let’s cooperate!’ on 7th October. The two-day event on 2-3 December 2014 will be held in Bologna, Italy, and will present the achievements of INTERREG IVC and launch the new INTERREG EUROPE Programme. The event is open to Managing Authorities of Structural...


During the 8th meeting organised in the framework of the SERPENTE project, 10 partners from 10 different countries participate in exchange activities and have a chance to discuss energy related topics with local stakeholders. The focus is on the finalisation of the implementation plans needed to increase energy efficiency in publicly owned or managed buildings....

ENCLOSE project: final conference.

October 22nd 2014, 9:00 am- 5:30 pm Venue: Permanent representation of Spain to the European Union Boulevard du Régent 52, 1000 Brussels ENCLOSE (ENergy efficiency in City LOgistics Services for small and mid-sized European Historic Towns) is a project funded by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy– Europe (IEE) program. Launched in May 2012...


The Tuscan Regional Council has approved the operational document for implementation of guidelines for the reorganisation of the regional system for technology transfer, in particular, the criteria for the definition and establishment of Technological Districts was clarified, the Districts are 12: fashion, interior design, marble and ornamental stones, life sciences, new materials, automotive and mechanical...


The answer to the question “How much important is protecting the environment to you personally?” has been “Very important” for 53% and “Fairly important” for 42% of European citizens. These are the results  of the Eurobarometer survey  “Attitudes of European citizens towards the environment “. The research reveals that despite the economic crisis European citizens are still...
