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Resolvo srl has been invited to present Horizon2020 (The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Commission for the period 2004-2020) at Finart (CNA Firenze). The focus of the presentation has been the SME instrument. The SME instrument is an H2020 initiative designed for high growth, highly innovative SMEs with global ambitions...


Tuscany Region has approved , by Resolution 929 of 27/10/2014 , the three lines of action under the Pilot Project Start-up house , in particular: Line 1.1 ” Start-up house” – aims to increase the use of the facilities of incubation and innovation in the region. Line 1.2 ” Start-up Company Youth ” – aims...


Centre for London, a not-for-profit think tank and charity which focuses on the challenges facing London, organises its annual conference. The conference 2014 brings together national and international urban leaders and experts. Watch the live streaming!


Resolvo participates in the final event of the IN-EUR project organised by the Province of Lucca on the 6th of November, Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Napoleone, 32. Apart from presenting final project results, and starting also from the reflections shared during the Working Seminar in Brussels, the event entitled “Orienting Local Innovation towards Strategy 2020” aims...


Responsible ICT Stakeholder Meeting, Eindhoven The 2nd Responsible ICT Stakeholder Meeting was held in Eindhoven (NL) on 29 October 2014. Project partners and local stakeholders met during the  Connected Future conference to discuss the questions of Open Data, Stakeholder Alliances (with a Master Class from Professor Geert Duysters, Tilburg University) and digital inclusion (with a study...


A Partnership agreement with Italy has been adopted by the European Commission on the 29th of October. The agreement is a strategic investment plan for the optimal use of the European Structural and Investment Funds allocated to Italy (32.2 billion € – current prices, in total Cohesion Policy funding). National and regional operational programmes, which...


The Tuscan Regional Council has approved today the intervention aimed at supporting investment projects for micro and small enterprises. Tuscany Region will finance projects with a budget between 10 and 50 thousand Euros, referring to the “New catalogue for qualified and innovative services”, which will be shortly published. The region will provide micro and SMEs...

Guide on EU funding for the tourism sector

The DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has published a guide on EU funding for the tourism sector in order to explain how European funds can be used for financing activities in the tourism sector. As a matter of fact, this sector represents the third largest EU economic sector and has indeed a...


MED Programme 2007-2013 presented what has been produced and how to use it on regional level. The new MED Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has been developed and is waiting to be approved by the European Commission The MED Project Library includes a selection of first and second call projects’ final publications (approved in 2008 and 2009)....


200 days before EXPO 2015 Tuscany Region and QN – La Nazione, organise on October 28th an event to present the best “good practices” and “innovative ideas” that are classified in the top 10 of their respective classifications of the Call launched in summer by the Region of Tuscany ( now closed) to new ideas...
