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Today, the final event of the project SOLE-CUT – Shape memory alloys for stone machining and computer aided technology – cofounded by MANUNET 2012, was held at Frosini Pietre (Tuscany). Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche, Coordinator of MIDA – Machine Intelligence Diagnosis Automation, also funded by MANUNET 2012, attended the event. The meeting offered great insights on...


Resolvo is taking part to the final workshop of the SOLECUT project, hosted by Frosini Pietre in Lastra a Signa. Frosini Pietre and Magenta are presenting the results of the project to several technicians and stakeholders. In a while Mecoil will present the MIDA project, and Fondazione per la ricerca e l’innovazione the activity of...


Resolvo participated in the Info Day organised by Regional Government of Tuscany in Pisa. The meeting has been the opportunity to present the main strategies and pillars of new programmatic strategies for the 2014-2020 period and the forthcoming opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Tuscany Region.


URBACT III Resolvo participated in the URBACT Info Day in St Denis (FR). The main features of the new URBACT programme were presented with a focus on social innovation and sustainable development in cities. Furthermore, other programmes, including Life 2014 – 2020 and the cross-border programmes in which French partners (and depending on the funding...

Rural Development and Communication

On December the 18th, in Florence, at the Business Center, in Adua Square, there will be a workshop dedicated to the best communication practices of agriculture and rural development institutions, associations, communication agencies and individual farmers to present the tools used, their experiences, the results obtained. Start time: 9:30 Click here for information, for program...


This info day is focused on the H2020 calls for proposal related to the Societal Challenge “ Secure, clean and Efficient Energy” – deadline 4th of June 2015. Thanks to H2020, in 2015, around 100 M€ will be available for projects linked to the Efficient Energy topics (EE). The event is web streamed: link


On the web page of La toscana nel mondo is now possibile to download the INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES BULLETIN of Dicember 2014. The aim of the bulletin is to provide a simple tool for the identification of funding opportunities to all the actors involved in the sector and operating in accordance with the Regional Governement of Tuscany areas of interest and...

PITAGORA presented at PIN event

On 9 December 2014 during the event, Bando Unico R&D 2012 – Presentation of the projects that was held at the PIN – Polo Universitario “City of Prato” , Resolvo presented the activities and results of PITAGORA project. Resolvo is project partner and performs technical activities, supports the partner lead in administrative and management activities...


December 9, 2014 SMARTUrban had the honor of being among the seven projects that presented the activities and results. The event, Bando Unico Ricerca e Sviluppo 2012 – Presentation of projects – was held at the PIN.   The project was presented by the Coordinator (Florinfo), Mr. Torrini.   Resolvo supports SMARTUrban’s partners for administrative...


The document is a guide useful for both who has never worked in this filed and for who has already gained experiences on this programme. The guide has been published by CONCORD, a European NGO confederation for relief and development, made up of national associations, international networks and associate members that represents 1.800 NGOs, supported by million of...
