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Monday, March 16 at 14.30 in the Aula Magna of the School of Agriculture, Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 the FINAL EVENT of SMARTurban project was held.     SMARTUrban – Monitoring system and territorial urban research- has the aim of providing an innovative system for the design of urban spaces. Objective of the project is to create a software optimising quality of life and sustainability...


The Tuscan Regional Operational Programme on ERDF 2014-2020 will be presented on Tuesday the 24th of March 2015, Palazzo degli Affari in Firenze (Piazza Adua, n.1, nearby Santa Maria Novella railway station). During the day several workshops will be held and there will be the opportunity to meet the Regione Toscana officers, responsible for the...


The first call will be open from the 6th of April to the 18th of May. In the concept note to be submitted partners are requested to explain what measurable change they intend to achieve, why it matters to the North-West of Europe and which is the link to the NWE programme. The co-funding rate...


The North West Europe Programme organises a Project Ideas Lab in Lille. The event will take place on the 17th of March. Participants will have a chance to learn more about the new programme, to understand better the 2-step application process and to share ideas on specific topics. The first call for proposal will be...


Monday, March 16 at 14.30 in the Aula Magna of the School of Agriculture, Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 the FINAL EVENT of SMARTurban project will be held. SMARTUrban – Monitoring system and territorial urban research- has the aim of providing an innovative system for the design of urban spaces. Objective of the project is to create...


The final conference of the ISLE project, aimed at create of a new kind of e-book for teaching (liquid Edubook) will be held in Florence Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea – Piazza delle Murate, on the 25th of March. Experts and project partners will participate in the event. Project results will be presented together with...


Abitare Mediterraneo is an Open System where technological innovation and architectural quality are applied to the building process in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Resolvo visited the very interesting Training and Dissemination Center, hosted and managed by LUCENSE in the Technological Pole of Lucca. In the permanent exposition, manu companies and research centers...
