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For three decades, the EU Framework Programmes have been funding breakthroughs across Europe. RTD’s Horizon Magazine looks at the people and events that have helped shape European research policy, taking you behind the scenes during the pivotal moments from the last 30 years of research funding. These articles have been brought together into a special...


Will be held on 13 April in Livorno at 10.00, at the Province of Livorno (Council Chamber), a consultation meeting on the new Italy – France Maritime Cooperation Programme 2014 – 2020 funding opportunities. In view of the approval of the programme, the meeting is aimed at illustrating funding opportunities to potential beneficiaries from Tuscany and to...


MIDA – save the date! 09/04/2015 SAVE THE DATE! Final Event of  MIDA Thursday 09 April – 10.00 Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche srl – Via delle Panche, 140 MIDA – Machine Intelligence for Diagnosis Automation promotes preventative maintenance in manufacturing plants through the development of a fully automated prototype for oil analysis and fault prediction.   MIDA won the 2014 “Firm...

SME instrument: results of 17th December cut-off date

The SME Instrument is part of the Horizon 2020 programme and finances innovative ideas with great market potential. The instrument is divided in three phases, with the aim of transforming disruptive ideas into concrete, innovative solutions with a European and global impact. Last 17th December was the cut-off date for the presentation of proposals for...


The European Commission launched on 23rd March the “2015 European Social Innovation Competition“, in Gdansk (Polonia). The three top ideas will receive a prize of €50 000 each. The EU requires new ways that challenges current models of growth that are no longer deemed fit for a society where scarcity is the new reality and where...


  On the 25th of March Resolvo participated in the Final event organised in Florence in order to present final results of iSLe, an R&D project, co-financed by Tuscany Region under the programme POR CReO FESR 2007/2013 – Bando Unico R&S 2012. The project has developed a platform for liquid edubooks that can be molded...


The Centre for London presented its report This is for Everyone: Connecting Young People and the Tech City Cluster (Sam Sims, Brell Wilson, Jess Tyrrell). The aim of the report is to identify constraints, good practices and recommendations in order to connect local talents looking for employment opportunities with Tech City digital businesses. During the...


Published from the Tuscan Government priorities and endowment for FSE and ROP ERDF 2014-2020 investments. Some numbers below! ROP ERDF 2014-2020: 792 million euro – Investment priorities: AXIS 1 – strengthening research, technological development and innovation: 253 million euro. AXIS 2 – improve access to information technology and communication: 80 million euro. AXIS 3 – enhancing SMEs’ competitiveness:...


Friday, March 20th at 9.30 in the Sala dei Gigli di Palagio di Parte Guelfa the final event of SEMPLICE project was held. SEMPLICE– – SEMantic instruments for PubLIc administrators and CitizEns has the aim of providing an infrastructure for local authorities which is on the one hand an instrument of transparency for the citizen, on the other hand...
