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The Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot is a fully-bottom-up measure in Horizon 2020 to promote close-to-the-market innovation activities, and open to all types of participants. Proposals for funding must be submitted by consortia comprising between three and five legal entities established in at least three different EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon...


The INTERREG MED Programme 2014-2020 Kick-Off will be held on Tuesday 23rd June 2015 in Marseilles. The programme responsible bodies will present the new programme architecture, its thematic priorities as well as the programme’s expectations for future projects. The event will also be the occasion to discover more about the new call for proposals: technical...


Thursday March 7 was held the final event of the project Cert&Infomobilità at Palzzo Congress in Florence.  “Info-mobility” services are considered as essential tools for improving the management of mobility and transport and there are many initiatives and programs at European and national level by promoting the dissemination of such systems and services (European Directive 2010 /...


The final event of the PITAGORA Project took place on Tuesday 28 April at Le Murate – Sala delle Vetrate, piazza della Madonna della Neve, Firenze. PITAGORA’s main objective was the realisation of a platform that integrates heterogeneous systems with the scope of increasing airports’ efficiency in terms of: flight efficiency; baggage management; increased security...


The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme has received 620 applications after closing step 1 of its first call. Following administrative checks and qualitative assessments, the programme member states will jointly decide which proposals will be invited to participate in step 2 of the call (decision expected September 2015). Italy is the country with most projects presented...


What do you know about the European directive on non-financial reporting and diversity? On 02 June 2015 the international conference European constraints, an opportunity for CSR?will be held in Brussels to provide information and promote debate on this theme. During the conference members of the European Commission, three MEPs (including rapporteur of the Directive) and...


The final event of the PITAGORA Project will be on Tuesday 28 April h. 9.00 at Le Murate – Sala delle Vetrate, piazza della Madonna della Neve, Firenze. PITAGORA’s main objective is the realisation of a platform that integrates heterogeneous systems with the scope of increasing airports’ efficiency in terms of: Flight efficiency; Baggage management; Increased Security management; Accidents prevention...


The final workshop of the Cert&Infomobilità project will be held in Florence on the 7th of May 2015. During the workshop the main rsesults of the project will be presented: the innovative module for validating the data originating from the various ITS systems (“producers”) and the methodology for the certification of the “producer” ITS systems...


The Application Package for the first INTERREG EUROPE call is available online. Partners can start preparing their application while waiting for the call to open officially. The deadline will be mid-July 2015. The Programme provides services to applicants in order to help them submit successful proposals (e.g. feedback on the draft ideas, seminars, FAQ). Info...
