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The EU Sustainable Energy week took place in Brussels with the participation of stakeholders interested in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. EUSEW provided them with an opportunity to debate about the new Energy Union. Events will be organised during the whole month of June all around Europe. Check this link out for more...


The Lead Applicant Workshop  of the new ETC programme INTERREG EUROPE was held in Brussels on 10/11 June 2015. The presentations from the seminar are available on-line. The interregional coooperation programme was officially approved by the European Commission on 11th June 2015 and the first call for projects will be published before the end of...


The INTERREG Maritime Italy – France Programme 2014-2020 Kick-Off will be held on Wednesday 1st July 2015 in Pisa. The programme responsible bodies will present the new programme architecture, its thematic priorities as well as the 2015 calls for proposals characteristics: technical and thematic orientations will be provided to participants intending to apply within those...


Toscana Technologica 2015 On 14 and 15 July 2015 Florence hosts for the second thme TOSCANA TECHNOLOGICA – two days dedicated to the technological excellence in Tuscany, with particular reference to the issues of innovation. Like the previous edition, the fair will offer companies visibility and networking opportunities, also in reference to the results of...


Florentine Energy Agency (AFE) in collaboration with D’Appolonia S.p.A. organise the event: “Optimising energy management in sport facilities” 12 June 2015, h 8:30 am Venue: Sala Pistelli Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour 1, Florence The event focuses on the theme of Energy efficiency in sport facilities, analysing the most suitable technologies and systems able to detect...


The European Commission adopted, on June the 3rd, the 2014-2020 MED transnational cooperation Programme, worth more than €275 million, with €224 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A further €9.3 million has been allocated to the programme from the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA). The 2014-2020 MED programme will promote cooperation between regions...


URBACT III – Action Planning Networks The call for Action Planning Networks is open and will close on the 16th of June. Applications must be submitted online through the platform SYNERGIE-CTE. For the period 2014-2020, 2 additional calls for networks are foreseen. In the framework of the URBACT programme, partnership formed of a mix of partners...
