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n0e-sport partners meet in Vukovar (Croatia)

Partners gathered in Vukovar (Croatia) for the 4th meeting of the n0e-sport project (7-8 July 2015). Core focus of the event is the preparation work for the starting of the pilot phase, which will see several sport facilities chosen by partners in each of the 7 EU countries (Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Cyprus, Croatia and UK)...


On 16th of July, the Region Emilia Romagna, together with the Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) and the OECD National Contact Point for Corporate Social Responsibility organises the seminar “Enterprises legality rating: applications and opportunities “on the legality rating instrument, in Bologna. Introduced in 2012, the legality rating is aimed at promoting and disseminating legality...


A new call for proposal has just been launched by Emilia Romagna Region supporting Enterprises’ investment projects for development, research and innovation, under its new ERDF ROP. The call is designed both to strengthen the research and development of enterprises and provides for two types of projects: Type A: projects designed to introduce new products...


The launch event of the newly established research infrastructure, financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, is due on Friday, July 3rd in Florence. The event, which will gather all the PARTHENOS’ partners, will take place in the prestigious Salone dei Dugento in Palazzo Vecchio, at the very heart of the Italian...


The 25th of June the European Commission adopted the 2014-2020 Operational Programme  OP for Enterprise and Competitiveness in Italy. Its budget amounts to 2.4 billion euro with 1.7 billion euro coming from the ERDF. This Programme targets investments in key growth generating areas in Italian less developed and transition regions. It focuses on four priorities:...


€ 961 million is the amount the Rural Development Plan of Tuscany will benefit in 2014-2020 for investments in quality production, innovation, environmental protection and landscaping, promotion of renewable energy. The European Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan and the President of the Tuscany Region Enrico Rossi agreed on the priority of these investment themes during...


The first call for proposals of the INTERREG EUROPE Programme is officially open! The programme supports policy learning to improve the performance of regional policies and programmes thanks to interregional exchange activities undertaken at EU level. The approved version of the application package is available here and partners can register online following this link. The...


The preparation phase for the first INTERREG MED call is open and Terms of reference are online. The complete Applicants Manual will be published in July. The First call for modular projects proposals will be opened from 1st September 2015 and deadline will be 2nd November 2015. Available Terms of reference concern only modular projects....
