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The Regional Council of Emilia Romagna approved a competition to support the culture of corporate social responsibility and social enterprise, rewarding projects that have involved companies from Emilia Romagna with the social partners and organizations working for the social responsibility promotion. The competition will reward the regional best practices on social responsibility and contribute to...


CIPTEC “Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities” is a european project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 framework. The project started in May 2015. CIPTEC aims to bring new thinking and innovative solutions (service concepts and business models) for Public Transport in order to create e favourable environment for PT growth....


The Tuscany Regional Council has approved a resolution to allocate 21 million euro for the creation and consolidation of youth or innovative, active in the manufacturing, trade, tourism and service sectors, through two notices to be published by mid-October. The calls will give priority to industries located in areas of crisis, those of women, to...


On July 29 in the Official Gazette no. 174 the decree which defines the implementing provisions related to the tax credit for R&S has been published. The decree indicates eligible beneficiaries, costs and activities and the procedure to follow to obtain the tax credit. The full text is available at the following link.  


The list of internationalisation for SMEs call for proposals approved projects has been published by the Tuscany Regional Government. 112 project proposals have been admitted to fund, while the project proposals not approved are 42. Financial contributions assignment will be published only after ROP Creo ERDF 2014-2020 assumption of its commitment of resources dedicated to...


On Monday, 21 September 2015 in the Albert Borschette Conference Centre, rue Froissart 36, Brussels the European Commission will organise an Information Day to present the 2016 work programme of Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenge following areas: “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” “Blue Growth – Demonstrating an Ocean of Opportunities” “Industry 2020 in...


Tuscany enters the top of the first four Regions that have had the Rural Development Programme,  the instrument through which are managed most of the resources allocated to agriculture, approved by the European Union. The various measures provided for in the Rural Development Programme of the Tuscany Region are waiting to be approved by the...


The conference organised in Florence raises awareness on our common European past by promoting a reflection and a debate on the EU dimension of the Renaissance as a phenomenon shaping our contemporary Europe. Thanks to the cooperation activities co-funded by the Culture Programme, the RenEU project delveoped cultural itineraries which brought the local and European...
