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Incredible joining the call funding industrial research and experimental development. The call, whose purpose was to support industrial research and experimental development of SMEs, provides for the granting of benefits in the form of capital grants, for industrial research and experimental development made by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the manufacturing and services sectors,...


After the third 2015 cut-off date for the SME instrument more than 2800 proposals were received by EASME. Italy, Spain and the UK were the top three countries in terms of proposals submitted. 1873 proposals were received for Phase 1 and 960 for Phase 2. Follow this link for further information!


Blue Med Days The 1 and 2 October 2015 in Bastia, at the Village Club Igesa La Marana, the Collectivité Territorial Racing organises the Blue Med Days, two days of working sessions, and networking activities, coordinated by the Pôle Mer Méditerranée. The goal of the event is to present to SMEs and potential beneficiaries the...


The Tuscany Region supports with grants regional micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) participation at the European Programme Horizon 2020. The Tuscan MSMEs can apply if have submitted a project proposal on an Horizon 2020 call for proposals open between 1 January and 31 December 2015, by themselves or within a consortium, which obtained an...


16 innovative projects will receive up to EURO 3M to bring innovative ideas to market. The European Commission has allocated EURO 36M for innovative projects, under the “Fast track to innovation scheme” (FTI), run under the European research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020. The fast Track to Innovation scheme was launched in January 2015 and...


The Final Version of the Danube Transnational Cooperation Programme is now available on the official programme web site. The first call for proposal will be launched on 23rd September 2015 and it will be open until 3rd November 2015. The Expression of Interest can be submitted through an on line form that will be active...


The first call for modular projects of the programme INTERREG Med was launched on 1st September 2015 and it will be open until 2nd November 2015.  The call is open for projects to be presented on programme priority Axes 1,2, and 3. ERDF funds available for this call are approximately euro 75M (25M per each...


Euromeeting is an international seminar whose thirteenth edition is going to be held in 2015. It is an annual event organised by the Tuscany Region on behalf of the NECSTouR network. With this event, the Tuscany region and the NECSTouR network, in collaboration with the European Commission, will delve into the issues of food tourism...


The Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014-2020 launched its first call for proposal. The draft version of the application package is available for download here. The call is open both for simple projects and for integrated strategic projects covering Axis 1-2-3. The official deadline to submit the proposals is the 10th of December 2015.


2158 organisations from all over Europe participated in the first INTERREG EUROPE call. The programme received 261 applications that will be assessed by December 2015. Project ideas focused on the four INTERREG EUROPE topics as follows: – 26% Research and Innovation – 31% Competitiveness of SMEs – 22% Environment and resource efficiency – 21% Low-carbon...
