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175 projects have been selected for funding under the last 2015 SME instrument cut-off date. One of these was presented by an innovative Tuscan SME with support from Resolvo Srl. 2057 proposals were presented under Phase 1, bringing the success rate of funded proposals up to 8.4%. Spain was particularly successful with 39 SMEs funded,...


Resolvo participated in the AURORA project kick off meeting, held in Tuscany on 3 – 4 February 2016. During the first day, which took place at Villa Il Gioiello in Florence, partners and members of the External Expert Advisory Board started discussions on the ambitious technical content of the project. The second day was held...


The third North West Europe call for proposals will be open from the 18th of April to the 27th of May. This will be a great opportunity to fund transnational activities aiming at delivering concrete results. A Project Idea Lab will be held in Frankfurt on the 7th of April and Info days devoted to...


The first call for proposals of the ADRION Programme was opened on 1 February 2016. Proposals can be submitted until 25 March 2016, at 17:00 CET, under the first three programme priority axes: Innovative and Smart region; Sustainable region; Connected region. The budget allocated for the first call for proposals amount to EUR 33 million...


AURORA, along with ReDSHIFT another project funded by H2020 and coordinated by CNR-IFAC, will be presented during the event: “Successful Horizon 2020 projects / space and NEREUS network: Perspectives and opportunities for research, business and the territory”, to be held in Florence on 2 February 2016. The event will take place in the Auditorium of...


A new call for proposal for Technological Districts is launched by the Tuscany Region in the framework of the ROP ERDF programme 2014-2020. The call is aimed to the Regional Districts’ operators. The resources devoted to the call are approximately € 5 million. For more information on the call please click here (only available in...


H2020 AURORA – Advanced Ultraviolet Radiation and Ozone Retrieval for Applications Resolvo supports the management team of AURORA, a space research project funded by H2020 (H2020-EO-2-2015 – Stimulating wider research use of Copernicus Sentinel Data). The project will be launched on 1 February 2016, with a 36 month duration. AURORA’s overall objective is to use...
