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Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee approved 49 Modular projects and 8 Horizontal projects. Moreover, 32 “corrected projects” have been selected for the second step of assessment for final selection. “Corrected” projects will be allowed to reopen a part of the application form in order to correct or complete information related to the Work Plan. The reopening phase will last from...


Leicester City Council (UK) will host an engaging workshop with UK and EU professionals active in the energy sector to analyse the economic drivers for the delivery of smart grids. The event is organised as part of activities funded by INTERREG EUROPE to tackle one of the most complex aspects of our national and regional...


The regional call linked to the transnational PhotonicSensing joint-call will be launched  next September the 30th. The call  is co-funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, ERA-NET COFUND action, of which Tuscany is a partner region. The call funds research and development projects, involving companies and research organisations coming from PhotonicSensing participant countries and regions. Around...


Partners gathered in Vilamoura (Portugal) for the 6th meeting of the n0e-sport project (13-14 September 2016). Core focus of the event is the finalisation of work for the pilot phase and organisation of the Final Conference. A study visit to the Aljezur Municipal Swimming Pool is also held, showing the result of the energy efficiency...


The NMP-REG project held its Second Interregional Learning Event in Bucharest on 7-8 September. Partners and stakeholders from five European regions shared knowledge on their analysis of the RIM+ categories of innovation support policy, in the context on nanotechnology and new materials. In order to understand the regional context in this field, partners visited the...


Tuscany Region recently approved a financial resolution in support of previously approved projects lists and new calls. About new funding opportunities, the resolution provides for the allocation of approximately 46-65 million euro, to be confirmed, for the activation of new R&D and micro-innovation calls for proposals. The resources are the result of residues related to...


Tuscany Region has approved a financial resolution in support of previously approved projects lists and new calls. Among others, the resolution foresees: RDI Calls: 55,469,179 euros to co-finance already approved projects; this allocation, added to the resources already committed by the said decrees, leads to a total commitment of EUR 100 446 156; Innovative Services...


Resolvo is participating in the second meeting of the AURORA project in Reading (20-21 July 2016). The event is hosted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Partners and members of the External Expert Advisory Board shared the scientific, technological and dissemination activities carried out in the first months of the project. Partners...


The Smart Specialisation Platform for Agri-Food (S3P Agri-Food) aims to accelerate the development of joint investment projects at EU level. The S3P Agri-Food will focus on RIS3 priority areas related to agriculture and food. Key objectives are to develop new and more competitive value chains and promote the complementarity of funding instruments. European regions, which...
