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The regional call linked to the transnational PhotonicSensing joint-call has been approved and published by the Tuscany Regional Government. The call  is co-funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, ERA-NET COFUND action, of which Tuscany is a partner region. The call funds research and development projects, involving companies and research organisations coming from PhotonicSensing participant countries...


The Tuscany Regional Government updated the list of funded projects presented under the RDI calls. The updated list of  financed projects has been approved and published by the Tuscany Regional Government with an 10.1 million Euros  total allocation. The decree is available on the Tuscany Region website. For further info do not hesitate to contact...


The Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) has published the list of 55 projects approved with conditions on the first call for proposals. These projects are going through a conditions clearing process, leading to the final approval on 8th December 2016. The first call for proposals was divided into two steps. 576 Expression of Interests were received...


The Tuscany Regional Government updated the list of funded projects presented under the RDI calls. The updated list of  financed projects has been approved and published by the Tuscany Regional Government with an 15.3 million Euros  total allocation. The decree is available on the Tuscany Region website. For further info do not hesitate to contact...


Resolvo participated in the second interregional event of the TRINNO project, held in Galway (Ireland) on 18-19 October 2016. Partners and stakeholders from 5 European regions, with experiences coming from other European regions (the Malopolska Center for Entrepreneurship in Poland, the Plymouth University Graduate School of Management from UK and the agency Creacció from Catalonia),...


During the first week of October, SET-UP organised a successful workshop and a productive project meeting in Leicester (UK). Thanks to Leicester City Council, a panel of experts bringing with them diverse experiences of the energy system was involved in a workshop focusing on economic models for Smart grids.     Presentations covered a number...


On October 6 a workshop, organized by Consortium LAMMA, from project CAMP-Italy (Coastal Area Management Programme for Italy) took place in Carrara. The project, part of the Mediterranean Network of projects CAMP, is aimed at implementing policy and Integrated Coastal Zone Mangement (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) for sustainable development of the coast, sustainable...


The REBUS project held its Second Interregional Exchange Event in Chania (Crete) on 5-6 October. Partners and stakeholders from seven European regions shared knowledge on their context analysis carried out in the previous months on the local policies for energy efficiency renovation of public buildings. Through the participative and interactive sessions held during the event,...
