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Resolvo, Resco and the coordinator Soges have been awarded the contract to provide Technical Assitance to the Managing Authority of the Interreg Crossborder Cooperation Programme Italy France Maritime 2014-2020! Resolvo is involved in several actvity lines, mainly on evaluation of project proposals and support to project implementation. Visit the Programme web site for further information.


VIOLET partners met for the first time in Tulcea (RO), on the Danube Delta. The meeting gave them the chance to start interregional learning activities. The activities focused on the definition of traditional buildings in the different regional contexts. The project will offer the framework to target common issues but also to focus on diversities,...


Almost 12 months after the start of the project, TRINNO partners are gathered together in Tuscany in these days to assess the worked carried out so far after 1 year of project activities. First year was devoted to the business support ecosystem analysis, having as main output a specific report. From this starting point, year...


Recruitment for Technical Assistance activities Junior Consultant Graduate with minimum 3 years’ experience in technical assistance for European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, EAFRD, ESF, EMFF, CF). Minimum required knowledge of Italian and French language level B1 based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Additional qualifications of good social skills, reliability,...


HERIBITS is a Research & Development project co-financed under Tuscany ERDF ROP 2014 – 2020 – POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 Research, Development and Innovation – Call 2. The project aims to develop a “techno-social” platform allowing to optimise processes of public spending in the framework of the cultural heritage sector. The web platform will...


Europe, let’s cooperate! European stakeholders gather in Malta to discuss about interregional cooperation and EU priorities. The INTERREG EUROPE programme gives them the opportunity to have their project ideas funded with the aim of improving public policies all over the continent. Through capacity building activities, interregional learning and cooperation, INTERREG EUROPE projects contribute to creating...


50  cooperation projects have been approved by the Interreg Central Europe,  among 211 proposals submitted for the second Call. Approved projects cover all the Programme priorities: 15 projects refer to Priority 1 “Cooperating on innovation to make CENTRAL EUROPE more competitive”, 9 are linked to Priority 2 “Cooperating on low-carbon strategies in CENTRAL EUROPE”, 19...


Partners from 6 EU member States gathered in Germany for the kick-off meeting of the ELISE project. The event was co-hosted by the 2 German partners: Life Science Nord and BioCon Valley. ELISE’s overall objective is to promote innovation driven regional competitiveness and wellbeing. This INTERREG EUROPE project focuses on LIfe Science Ecosystems and intends...


Almost 12 months after the start of the project, REBUS partners are gathered together in Malmo (Sweden) in these days to assess the worked carried out so far after 1 year of project activities. Through a “written exam” in the form of a self-evaluation assessment, they draw conclusions for the first year of activities. They...
