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The NMP-REG project held its forth Interregional Learning Event in Cologne (Germany). The two day event (5-6 July 2017) was hosted by the nanotechnology cluster for the region of North Rhine Westphalia (NMWP.NRW), partner of the NMP-REG project, at the COPT Centre. COPT Centre is the technology transfer institute of the University of Cologne in...


SET-UP partners meet in Paks (Tolna County – Hungary) for the 4th Interregional event. Exchange activities include: – discussing emerging business models related to smart-grid (i.e. self-consumption); – identifying specific needs to improve the selected ERDF policy instruments; – learning more about smart meter deployment and consumer engagement; – visiting the only Hungarian Nuclear Power...


The ELISE project partners (INTERREG EUROPE) meet in Bologna for their second Interregional Forum. This event includes interesting study visits to Rizzoli Orthopaedic institute and the Biomedical District in Mirandola. During the working sessions, partners focus on the analysis of their ecosystems. At first, they share the results of the work done with their Regional Ecosystem...


The STEPHANIE project held its Second Interregional Learning Event in Prague on 7-8 June. Partners and stakeholders from seven European regions shared knowledge on the development of their Regional Vision, on the basis of the analysis carried out in the previous months on the local policies for space technology with photonics. Needs and barriers of...


The MARIE project held its second interregional learning event (30/31 May 2017) in Athens (EL). Partners were hosted in the newly opened building of project partner Athens University of Economics and Business. The meeting focused on the methodologies designed to take forward a number of key activities: identification of good practices, a survey among enterprises...


Tuscany region has just published a the call for proposals for research, development and innovation investments of regional enterprises. 2 main interventions are foreseen depending on enterprises’ dimension (micro, SMEs and Large enterprises) and costs of projects. The deadline for the submission of project ideas is 08/09/2017. For more information please contact Resolvo.


The TANIA project held its second interregional learning event (22/23 may 2017) in Pécs (HU), in the headquarters of Baranya County Government. TANIA partners and stakeholders, including a representative from the NANOREM project, shared details about their regional territorial and political context in relation to needs and challenges in the field of nanoremediation. Partners participated...


The Region of Tuscany has recently published a deliberation containing information about the main elements of a next coming call for proposals on research, development and innovation investments for regional enterprises. 3 different interventions are foreseen depending on enterprises’ dimension (micro, SMEs and Large enterprises), costs of projects and previously submitted applications. Part of the...


The European Commission  just launched the “Europe in My Region” European Union-wide campaign. Through four initiatives – project openings, a photo contest, a project hunt and a blogging contest, the campaign aims at encouraging citizens to discover European projects near them.  Public is invited to visit projects, share images and experiences via social media. The...
