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The ROSIE project held its Kick-Off meeting in Rimini (IT) on the 12th and 13th September 2017. The project is co-funded by the Interreg Central programme. 11 partners and 1 associate partner participated at the meeting, with the aim of understanding better the concept of Responsible Innovation and how it can be applied to Small...


The ROSIE project will be launched in Rimini on 13 September 2017 (from 09:30 till 12:30). ROSIE, co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe programme, hopes to bring SMEs closer to the tools and opportunities of responsible innovation. The event “Responsible Innovation: Tools for enterprises and stakeholders” will include a presentation of the new Guidelines for Management and...


AURORA (H2020) partners met in Athens for their 3rd project meeting. The first day was dedicated to a workshop focused on exploitation in the framework of the European Common Exploitation Booster. The following days were dedicated to exchange focusing on scientific aspects and including presentations on data simulation, data fusion, data assimilation and validation of...


The new projects, together with the 38 funded in 2016, make up for 70% of the total programme resources. Quite a result, given that the programme was only officially approved by the European Commission 2 years ago! The Technical Assistance team (Resolvo, Resco and Soges) supported the evaluation process, with a team of 13 technical...


Resolvo, Resco and Soges support the Managing Authority of the Interreg Maritime programme during the Management and Monitoring Committee meetings. On the agenda, among other things. the applications received for the second call (closed in March 2017). Among the 57 proposals submitted, 56 were eligible for evaluation by the Technical Assistance working group, together with...


Resolvo and the coordinator Parcourir l’Europe have been awarded the contract for the Operational Evaluation of the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020! Resolvo is involved in several aspects of the evaluation, which will support the MED management team to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their innovative measures adopted thanks to experience from the 2007-2013 programming period....
