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The partners of the ELISE project (INTERREG EUROPE) met in France for their 3rd Interregional Forum. The meeting gave them the opportunity to learn more about the Life Science Ecosystem that exists in Centre – Val de Loire Region. Partners worked on the common constraints identified at regional level regarding market, human resources, technical resources...


The MARIE project held its third interregional learning event (7/8 November 2017) in Orléans (FR). The meeting was organised and hosted by DEV’UP, MARIE project partner, in the fabulous Hôtel Dupanloup, site of the Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche Orléans. The meeting took forward the interregional exchange on the topic of Responsible Research and...


The European Commission published the final version of the H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020. In this framework, Horizon 2020 will provide investments of around €30 billion to fund research and innovation projects in Europe. The Work Programme is available here.  


Resolvo and the coordinator Parcourir l’Europe visited Rome for the Operational Evaluation of the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020. The meeting of the Green Growth thematic community was organised with the Forum CompraVerde and it involved experts from 6 modular projects and other MED programme actors. We carried out a series of interviews to gather feedback...


The SET-UP partners (INTERREG EUROPE) met in Algarve for their 5thproject meeting. During the event, they had the opportunity to tackle issues that included Virtual Power Plants, energy storage, electric mobility, consumer engagement and the role of prosumers. The study visit to the Enercoutim Solar Demonstration Platform provided interesting insights related to micro grids, and...


The air quality monitoring Sentinel-5P satellite is set for launch from Russia on 13 October at 09:27 GMT (11:27 CEST). Follow the launch via live webstream. Resolvo supports the AURORA project, which will use data produced from the various Sentinel satellites.


From the 2nd to the 4th of October TRINNO partners gathered together for First Mid-Term Phase Event and Fourth Interregional Learning Event in Szeged, Csongrád Country in Hungary to discuss about existing policy instruments in their regions and the possibilities of improving them through the exchange of interregional experiences and good practices. Partners consortium focused...


Resolvo and the coordinator Parcourir l’Europe are in Athens for the Operational Evaluation of the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020. During the second meeting of the thematic community on sustainable tourism, involving around 80 experts from 14 modular projects and other MED programme relevant actors, some interviews have been carried out to obtain feedbacks and comments...


On the 27th and 28th of September REBUS partners gathered together in Miskolc (Hungary) to discuss about existing policy instruments in their region and the possibilities of improving them through the exchange of interregional experiences and good practices. The focus of the meeting was on the definition of an Energy Renovation Path – ERP. The...


Since its foundation, Resolvo is proud of developing and successfully managing European Territorial Cooperation projects with clients and partners form all over Europe. Working in this sector is an enriching experience that allows Resolvo’s staff members to help bring European regions closer by discovering excellence while facing language barriers and overcoming cultural misconceptions. Learning, sharing,...
