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Resolvo all over Europe…from our living rooms!

The ongoing pandemic is getting us all down, but it won’t stop cooperation! Just last week Resolvo was involved in virtual meetings for 5 of our Interreg Europe projects, with partners from all corners of Europe. On Tuesday, we were with partners from the FEMINA project looking at how to promote female participation in high...

EWRC registration by 27 September

This year the European Week of Regions and Cities goes virtual. If you haven’t registered yet, do it now! Only days to go until registration closes. Resolvo will be there: WE are in charge of NMP-REG’s participation in the workshop “Future clusters in innovation ecosystems”. Join us there!

Tuscany Region ERDF OP 2014-2020: new calls on the way

To cope with the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Tuscany Region has decided to start from the businesses and the territory, reprogramming a total of 168.1 million euros of ERDF funds. Among the new opening calls, the following are particularly noteworthy: – “INVESTMENT AID” call for non-repayable grants to support investments by SMEs...

How to develop an Action Plan: a webinar by Resolvo!

How to develop a successful Action Plan within an Interreg Europe project? Resolvo organised a webinar to guide participants thought this challenging task. The webinar was held the 22nd of April 2020. It was designed for Interreg Europe third and fourth calls projects Resolvo is involved in: 4.0 READY, CLAY, CYBER, FEMINA, Next2Met, SME POWER,...

CYBER goes virtual!

Today more than ever, while living our quarantine in almost all European countries, we are aware of the role that technology plays in our daily life. In a virtually connected world we need to pay attention to cybersecurity and that’s what CYBER partners have been doing since 2018, in the framework of their Interreg Europe...

Take a look at MARIE’s Action Plans

The MARIE project has just published its Action Plans, detailing how each of the 8 partners will integrate elements of responsible innovation into their regional policy measures. These are the result of 3 years of interregional exchange and a lot of hard work. You can download them all here and get inspired by the changes...

RS2020, call for proposals on Research and Development in Tuscany: deadline 30/06/2020!

Tuscany region has just published two call for proposals for research and development investments of regional enterprises. 2 main interventions are foreseen depending on enterprises’ dimension (micro, SMEs and Large enterprises) and costs of projects. The deadline for the submission of project ideas is 30/06/2020. For more information please contact Resolvo.

SME POWER amidst the Finnish lakes

Resolvo is back from the 2nd meeting of the SME POWER project that took place in Heinola (FI) on 19th and 20th February 2020, organised by Heinola City. 7 partners gathered to share the first results of the analyses of European funds dedicated to energy efficiency in SMEs available in partners’ regions. Interreg Europe projects...
