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Cybersecurity and public policy: a European level challenge

It is great to know that, thanks to Resolvo’s support, countless European local, regional and national authorities improved their public policies and consequently created more opportunities for all of us in Europe. The topics covered, just to name a few, range from energy transition to technological innovation, from support for small and medium enterprises to...

7 new projects with Interreg Europe 5th call

Very excited here at Resolvo with 7 of our Interreg Europe projects getting an extra year of activities! The 5th Interreg Europe call allowed running projects to request more time for exchange, specifically looking at Covid-19 impact on their topic. The result is that TRINNO, NMP-REG, REBUS, STEPHANIE, TANIA, MARIE and VIOLET are not finishing...

Neorocks 4 Kids – on-line!

For Asteroid Day 2021, join us for the launch of Neorocks 4 Kids! The Neorocks project studies and tracks Near Earth Objects (NEO). Our Neorockers study NEOs’ dynamical and physical properties, to determine their orbit and characterise their nature…especially those that could collide with the Earth. Neorocks 4 Kids uses 3 short videos to share our...

STEPHANIE: the final project event

On June the 23rd, STEPHANIE project partners met virtually to present the results achieved in 5 years of exchange. STEPHANIE brought together 7 regions across Europe (Tuscany, Praha, Brittany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Andalusia, Durham County and Wallonia) to directs regional research and innovation policies towards photonics-based space technologies to address today’s grand societal challenges. During the...

RDI 2020 call: financed projects list upgraded

The Tuscany Regional Government updated the list of funded projects presented under the RDI 2020 calls. The updated list of financed projects has been approved and published by the Tuscany Regional Government with more than 13 million Euros total allocation. The decree is available on the Tuscany Region website. For further info do not hesitate...

Resolvo at the ETC Network Online Discussion Series

Jessica Huntingford, Head of European Projects here at Resolvo, was invited to talk at the Southern Irish ETC Network Online Discussion Series. The event was held today, 15 April 2021, with a focus on European Project Consortium Building. Jessica, as key note speaker, shared her experience about how to build a good consortium on the...

From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe

2021 marks a turning point for European Research and Innovation projects. Horizon 2020, the 8th Research and Innovation framework programme of the European Union, is leaving the stage to its successor: Horizon Europe Horizon Europe is the most ambitious European Research and Innovation program ever, with a budget of 95.5 billion euros. It will run...

Interreg Europe: Call for additional activities now open

Interreg Europe has published today a call for additional activities. Only the 258 projects already approved on the previous Interreg Europe calls can apply. This additional call has been launched in order to help approved projects to deal with the COVID-19 crisis effects. The application pack and all the necessary information are available on the...
