New edition of the Cyber Challenge sponsored by Resolvo!


The eighth edition of the CyberChallenge.IT programme involved 942 students, divided into 43 local teams, selected from nearly 5.000 registrants.

After hiring one of the participants in the 2023 sponsored competition, Resolvo decided to repeat the experience. Therefore, Resolvo sponsored the local team of C3T – Tuscany’s Center of Competence in Cybersecurity – again in 2024, to support traditional and gamification-oriented training activities for the young students.

Between February and May, classes and training sessions took place in preparation for the local competitions held on the 29th of May to select participants for the national competition organised on the 4th of July.

In October, the 10 best players will represent Italy at the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) organised by ENISA in Turin.