Why are there more male entrepreneurs than female? Why is entry to high tech enterprises and career progression still more difficult for women than for men? Why does our innovation system still not correctly address gender? What are the barriers to female participation in high-tech and how can we address them?
Join us for the launch of the FEMINA Project to start an interregional debate on these issues. The workshop will be held on Thursday 20 September in Arezzo, at Arezzo Chamber of Commerce. We have case studies from Norway and interactive working groups with our partners from 7 European countries.
This is the start of a 5-year project, where partners will work at interregional level to identify, implement, monitor and evaluate policy measures that encourage female participation in high-tech start-ups and SMEs.
Come along to the workshop, get involved in the debate, help us to make a change!
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash