On 27 October, the Workshop Women, work and digital tools: The role of the PA took place in Arezzo, organised by the Arezzo Innovazione Foundation, with the support of Resolvo, aimed at employees of municipalities in the Arezzo and Siena area to update them on the latest initiatives and good practices to promote the inclusion of women in the labour market and digitisation policies at regional and national level.
The event took place at the Fondazione Arezzo Innovazione premises and with remote connections.
After an introduction of the project, the online and offline services offered by INTERNISA and the job search platform internisa.eu were presented.
This was followed by a panel on the role of digitalisation and PA initiatives to promote the involvement of women in the labour market, with a speech by the Tuscany Region, Information Systems, Technological Infrastructure and Innovation Sector.
The second part of the event focused on aspects of Inclusion, Diversity and Gender Equality, from the point of view of women, through the community DEA – Women I admire and sharing of good practices from Europe by Resolvo.
The event is organised within the framework of INTERNISA, an EU-funded project that aims to develop a network to improve and contribute to the enhancement of the digital skills of young women also in order to increase their employability and to facilitate the matching between job demand and supply.
The Fondazione Arezzo Innovazione is partner for Italy and is supported by Resolvo for the activities of the pilot action under Work Package 5.