FutureECOS kicks off its activities for a more sustainable living space

From 20 to 22 May 2024, RESOLVO participated in the kick-off event of the FutureECOS project, held in Hämeenlinna, Finland.

FutureECOS stands for “Future-proof living space in growth corridor regions” with a focus on the development of a sustainable living space concept model. The project will tackle the challenge of creating future-proof living space, through integrated development strategies developed with public and private actors and with citizens.

To kick-start the project activites, the Lead Partner, Regional Council of Kanta-Häme, welcomed project partners from Romania, Croatia, Ireland and Serbia.

On the first day, the LP and other relevant stakeholders presented to the project partners an overall picture of the project, focusing on the region of Kanta-Häme. The biggest challange and problems are a decrease of the population and domestic migration, while the existing local populations mostly represent commuters, working or living in the bigger towns of Helsinki, Tampere and Turkku. Through FutureECOS, the Regional Council of Kanta-Häme hopes to improve their regional development program, making the region more attractive for living.

On the second day, components of future-proof living space and regional projects on housing were presented by the Lead Partner and relevant stakeholders. Project partners were given the opportunity to present their region, as well as its challenges and needs.
Another focus in FutureECOS, which represents a major part in project approach, is the engagement with citizen. For this topic, local stakeholder presented multi-sector policy models for engagement.

On the third day, the project partners visited the City of Riihimäki for 3 study visits relevant to the project: Urban Powerhouse – New European Bauhaus project; Locomotive Garage; and the Riihimäki Glass Factory. All these sites have once been industrial sites and/or production and manufacturing locations, but will be restructured into new living, business and art spaces, offering unique, modern and future-proof concepts for everyday life in the region of Kanta-Häme.