Since 2012, Resolvo has provided a range of support services to European funded programmes, including European Territorial Cooperation Programmes and regional programmes.
These services include Technical Assistance, ex-ante and ongoing evaluation and project proposal evaluation.
Ex-ante evaluation of European Programmes looks at various elements, including: the contribution to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the internal coherence of the programme, the consistency of the allocation of budgetary resources, the consistency of the thematic objectives and priorities, the relevance and clarity of the programme indicators.
During each programming period (previous period 2007-13; current 2014-20), the managing authority of each European programme must ensure that evaluations (effectiveness, efficiency and impact), are carried out for each programme and that each evaluation is subject to appropriate follow-up in accordance with the Fund-specific rules. At least once during the programming period, an evaluation must assess how the funding has contributed to the objectives for each priority.
Project proposals presented to European Territorial Cooperation programmes undergo an internal and/or external evaluation, on the basis of a series of established criteria. This evaluation establishes which projects will be funded with programme resources.
Managing Authorities and secretariats of European Territorial Cooperation programmes carry out a series of activities to ensure the smooth running of the programme. These activities cover coordination of the programme management bodies and support to the programme beneficiaries. An external technical assistance will provide support to ensure the successful implementation of these activities.