December 1, 2014by Francesca Martemucci

EU Guidance for Structural and Investment Funds Beneficiaries is online

The DG for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission has published today a guide on the new European Structural and Investment Funds.

The beneficiaries Guide aims at explaining how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and on how to exploit complementarities with other instruments related to relevant Union policies.

The links provided throughout the document allow potential beneficiaries to find their way in the maze of material available online, leading them to immediate and useful websites and documents.

Moreover, an online check-list is also available on DG Regio website, to help potential beneficiaries to identify the most appropriate funding sources.

For further information please visit the following link:

Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

