DAPHNE Project: successful 2nd Interregional Learning Event in Malmö

On October 16 and 17, project partners gathered in Malmö for the second Interregional Learning Event of the DAPHNE project, supported by RESOLVO. The event focused on reviewing the progress of the context analysis, with a special interest in the breakout session on innovative technologies for energy efficiency in the healthcare system. The session showcased several good practices from the Nordic region.

Using the DAPHNE chart, partners developed a proactive strategy to address potential challenges and set priorities, outlining concrete action plans for the next phase of the project. Each partner presented the activities carried out so far, including data collection, stakeholder meetings, and learning, while also discussing the challenges expected during the implementation phase.

The event concluded with a study visit to Brunnshög, a newly developed area in Lund University City, which hosts a research centre. The participants also joined a walking tour of the Ecto network, a fifth-generation district heating and cooling system.
