DAPHNE begins the journey to decarbonise healthcare

On May 28 and 29, the beautiful city of Florence and the Lead Partner Tuscany Energy Consortium welcomed DAPHNE partners who met for the first time in person and officially kicked off project activities.

Nine countries (Italy, Sweden, Romania, Greece, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Ukraine, and Serbia) work together to design and implement better policies for decarbonizing the health care system.

Health Care Without Harm Europe also participated online and presented the “Global Roadmap for health care decarbonization.”

On the second day, partners participated in the study visit at the Campostaggia-Poggibonsi hospital to visit the electric and thermal power cogeneration plant, built thanks to the 2014-2020 ERDF ROP, which allows the hospital to self-produce electricity internally and reuse the thermal energy generated to heat the hospital, thus enabling it to increase its energy efficiency by about 30% with important environmental and economic benefits.

The enthusiastic partners look forward to the next meeting in autumn!