New stage of CLAY artistic ceramics journey across Europe. On 11th and 12th September partners met in Seinäjoki (Finland), to learn about the experiences of Etelä-Pohjanmaan region in the ceramics sector, characterised by innovative design, traditional techniques and engagement in promoting vocational training and education in the sector.
Resolvo was excited to be part of the 2-days work, with interregional exchange sessions and study visits to local ceramists and training centres.
Resolvo chaired the interactive sessions, where partners discussed the results of their analysis on the local needs of the ceramic sector and the initial good practices identified.
CLAY partners had the opportunity to visit the laboratory of local ceramic artist Päivi Rintaniemi, merging innovation in design and materials with traditional techniques, the arts and culture centre Varikko, whose keywords are recycle and reuse of materials, and the training and education centre Vanha Paukku, where local handicraft (including ceramics) is the core of a number of programmes for adults and children.
The next meeting of CLAY will be in Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) in February 2020 and Resolvo cannot wait to join it!