CDR EUROPE partners meet in Barcelona to share Good Practices on Corporate Digital Responsibility

On 20 and 21 November, the CDREUROPE project partners gathered in the beautiful city of Barcelona for the fourth project meeting and with the discovery partners, for the first time in person. Thanks to them, the CDR Manifesto was translated and disseminated in Serbia and Montenegro.

During the first day, the partners discussed Good Practices, thanks also to the examples of Spanish SMEs that shared their experience with the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia. Each partner then discussed the 8 Good Practices presented within the project activities and considered useful to address some or all of their identified challenges, starting to think about possible opportunities to improve policies on Corporate Digital Responsibility, according to the priorities of each territory. The second day was dedicated to the brilliant speeches of the Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia and the pilot action of the project: the pilot partners shared with all partners the CDR model developed within the project and are now ready to show it to the selected consultants who will go to test the level of CDR and support CDR interventions in the selected SMEs in Tuscany, Catalonia, Bucharest Region and Ile-de-France. Feedback from all other partner territories was crucial to finalise the model.

The partners will meet again in April 2025 in Paris, and Resolvo looks forward to continuing the CDR theme, a key business area for Resolvo itself.