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CDR EUROPE – partners meet in Cork for the 3rd interregional project meeting

On 3rd and 4th April 2024, CDR EUROPE partners met in Cork (Ireland), where Resolvo attended and moderated the 3rd interregional CDR EUROPE meeting hosted by the Cork County Council. Local stakeholders and SMEs participated, as well as the Associated Policy Authority from Ile-de-France Region for the French partner. The partners discussed the challenges of...

Resolvo at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the national Info-day of the Interreg NEXT MED programme

On 12 March, at the International Conference Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Rome, the national event of the Interreg NEXT MED programme was held, in which Resolvo participated. The event was opened by institutional speakers, including the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Head of Service...

REC4EU: 2nd project meeting in Spain

REC4EU partners met in Granada (Spain) for their 2nd project meeting. After working on their territorial analysis, this meeting represented an opportunity to move forward with the interregional exchange process. Resolvo adapted a coaching methodology to project purposes. The aim was to understand and share partners’ objectives, territorial situations and policy change options. Partners interacted...

INTERREG EUROPE 2021-2027 second call: ALL projects supported by Resolvo are approved!

INTERREG EUROPE has approved (under conditions) 78 projects out of 146 applications submitted in the framework of its second call for proposals. All the project proposals supported by Resolvo have been selected for approval! Resolvo will be involved in the management and coordination of their interregional activities. For the full list of approved projects see...

SKYLA: in Ireland for the second Project Event

On 7 and 8 November, the SKYLA partners met in Swords(Ireland) for the second project meeting, hosted by the Fingal County Council. In the morning of the day 1, partners exchanged interactively throughout a series of presentations and workshops, comparing the policy needs analyses carried out prior to the meeting. The partner regions discussed the...

Digging the effects of industrial transition in Katowice

On November 21 and 22, Resolvo participated in and moderated the event organised in Katowice, Poland, as part of the LOTTI project (Interreg Europe). The project’s second interregional meeting focused on the sharing of Good Practices by the various project partners, with a special focus on Cantabria’s experience within the “Besaya Europa” initiative promoted by...

GINEVRA partners in Ptuj for the 2nd project meeting

On the 7th and 8th of November, GINEVRA Project partners met for the 2nd Partner Meeting in Ptuj, Slovenia, hosted by the local partner ZRS Bistra Ptuj. The meeting began with a session dedicated to sharing the progress achieved in the first project period. The territorial partners involved, discussed the characteristics and peculiarities of their...
