Duration: February 2018 – December 2020
Call: R&S 2017 – POR FESR Regione Toscana 2014-20 – Call 2
Priority: Smart Factory
Budget: 1,443,371.72 €
SeaFactory is a Research & Development project co-financed under Tuscany ERDF ROP 2014 – 2020 – POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 Research, Development and Innovation – Call 2 – 2017.
Objective of the project
The SeaFactory project will facilitate the transition of acquaculture sector to the industrial dimension.
The aim of the project is to provide a technological solution for acquaculture based on:
1) collection of data at sea level for the evaluation of environmental conditions and fish behavior;
2) collection of ground data on feeding, breeding and processing of the product;
3) traceability of the process and creation of an identity card of the fish.
The project involves the design and development of a prototype service center with dedicated hardware and software, organized on a horizontal and federated system architecture, innovative systems for data collection through sensors, and innovative systems for collecting, processing and producing information flows towards end users.
The role of Resolvo
Resolvo is one of the 4 project partners involved in the project, together with: Quid spa (lead partner), ETG Srl and the Department of Information engineering and mathematics – University of Siena.
Want to know more about the project? Please contact us at: seafactory@resolvo.eu