
Resolvo obtained results on several Local and European Programmes, supporting hundreds of private and public clients

The project, undertaken between 2012 and 2013 by T.T.Teconosistemi SpA (Prato), with the support of the Foundation for Research and Innovation, has proposed the implementation of a device that can periodically monitor the ozone level, the amount of fine particles and the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC ) in the proximity of printers.

ROBOBUILD – Articulated robot with independent 3D-motion for precise positioning operations is a Project cofinanced by the MANUNET Project, the Regional Government of Tuscany (Italy) and the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education R&D and Innovation (Romania).
The purpose of the project is to elaborate innovative algorithms for motion modelling, design multi-articulated systems for independent 3D motion, and develop a multi-articulated system prototype, for predefined precise positioning robots.
Within the project, Resolvo supports regional project coordinator Synthesis srl in international relationships and regional financial management in order to guarantee a smooth and efficient reporting of project expenditures within the deadlines foreseen. Resolvo support Synthesis srl in the preparation of detailed financial reports through: reporting documents preparation, checking of expenditures and documents, upload and submission on the regional online reporting system, evaluation of possible project changes and support in the preparation of official documents needed.
Furthermore, Resolvo is in charge of dissemination activities (web site, dissemination material).

IN-EUR is a 3 year Regional Initiative Project funded by the INTERREG IVC Programme. The project addresses the need for local level strategies to foster innovation and knowledge growth all over the EU. The overall project objective is to use interregional cooperation to improve quality of innovation policy at local level through sharing, integrating and transferring methodologies for measuring innovation.

ACCESSIT is a strategic project funded by Italy-France Maritime programme (2007-2013), with the overall objective of developing a network of cultural heritage through integrated management of common resources. The project creates a General Itinerary, which enhances the tangible and intangible heritage of the Tyrrhenian basin.

Responsible Med – Regional Policies for Responsible Development: evaluation of CSR and economic performance in the MED area – is a 24 month project funded by the MED programme for territorial cooperation. Il Responsible Med will develop an evaluation tool to be used by SMEs to measure and verify the economic impact of CSR approaches in their business and by public authorities to better ensure that their CSR policies promote company competitiveness.