Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027:
Evaluation of Project Proposals

Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027 Valutazione delle proposte progettuali

Programme: Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenija

Duration: 2021 – 2027

Budget: 88,623,329.00 €


The Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027 supports cross-border cooperation between Italy and Slovenia. It involves 5 Italian territories (for the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Provinces of Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia and Trieste and for the Region of Veneto, the Province of Venice) and 5 Slovenian territories (Primorsko Notranjska, Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Obalno-kraška and Goriška).

The Programme budget amounts to a total of €88,623,329.00, of which €70,898,662.00 ERDF, divided among different Strategic Objectives to implement different types of projects

Display a map

Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia:

  • Udine
  • Pordenone
  • Gorizia
  • Trieste

Region of Veneto:

  • Venezia


Zahodna Slovenija:

  • Osrednjeslovenska
  • Gorenjska
  • Obalno-kraška
  • Goriška

Vzhodna Slovenija:

  • Primorsko-Notranjska

Programme objective

The Programme’s mission is to encourage “better cross-border cooperation to improve the quality of life of the population, by protecting and promoting the cultural and natural heritage and moving towards climate neutrality in the Programme area through sustainable, innovative and inclusive growth”.

The role of Resolvo

Resolvo provides an evaluation service for project proposals submitted under the calls for standard projects and people-to-people actions of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027.